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These luxury townhouses designed by the exceptional Altas Architects is situated at 4 Gleeson Avenue, Camberwell.

This fantastic site is in the suburb of Camberwell with leafy streets a peaceful setting. It is also very close to Melbourne’s CBD.



6 Jubilee Avenue, Seaford

Frankston City Council and Melbourne Water rejected the initial permit due to concerns about:

Flood risk under the Special Building Overlay (SBO) (source: https://www.melbournewater.com.au/building-and-works/flooding-information-and-advice/flood-planning-controls-explained).

Inadequate flood mitigation measures, including floor levels and drainage impacts.

Potential obstruction of floodwaters due to filling and construction.

How Property Change Assisted with the VCAT Appeal & Consent Orders

After the refusal, Property Change Town Planners, played a key role in securing the permit through VCAT and consent orders by:

1. Addressing SBO & Flood Risk Concerns

• Discussed the matter with flooding experts.

• Ensured open space retention to maintain flood storage capacity.

• Limited land filling to prevent water flow obstruction.

2. Securing Approval via VCAT & Consent Orders

• Provided flood studies and expert reports to support compliance.

• Negotiated compromises through consent orders to satisfy Melbourne Water & Council concerns.

• Demonstrated that modifications aligned with Frankston Planning Scheme & SBO regulations.


Thanks to these expert reports, VCAT overturned the refusal, granting the permit while ensuring flood resilience. This case highlights how proactive modifications and expert planning advice can lead to successful permit approvals despite initial refusal.


6 Darling Street, South Yarra

6 Darling Street, South Yarra

Property Change Town Planners played a crucial role in facilitating the development of 6 Darling Street, South Yarra, ensuring a smooth approval process and compliance with Victorian planning regulations. Our expertise contributed in the following ways:

Navigating the Planning Process

• Assisted in obtaining planning permits for the five luxury townhomes, addressing site-specific challenges related to height, setbacks, and density.

Liaised with the City of Stonnington to ensure alignment with local planning policies and South Yarra’s urban character.


• Addressed objections and concerns from neighbours and community stakeholders, ensuring the project met both developer goals and community expectations.

• Provided expert planning advice and,

Design & Urban Planning Compliance

• Worked closely with Ewert Leaf Architecture to optimise the design within the town planning framework, ensuring compliance with neighbourhood character and heritage considerations.

• Ensured the project met sustainability, parking, and access requirements while maximizing site potential.

By leveraging our planning expertise, Property Change Town Planners helped streamline approvals, minimise delays, and support the successful delivery of 6 Darling Street’s luxury townhomes in this prime South Yarra location.

Project Location


19 Union Road Surrey Hills

The leafy streets of Union Road in Surrey Hills have proven to be one of most protected corners of Boroondara. The proposed development will see the construction of two, two-storey dwellings, both with underground car parking. The dwellings have four bedrooms as well as a study and a gym.


13 Mangan Street, Balwyn

This development exemplifies a well-designed infill re-development in an outstanding location just 100m from Whitehorse Road activity. The proposed development is three uniquely designed two-storey, four-bedroom units. The design creatively uses the large block to incorporate a well landscaped and individualised garden area for each unit. 


14 Hollsmoor Road, Camberwell

Hollsmoor is a collection of 3 individual townhouses designed to reflect the neighbourhood character precinct. The sophisticated homes are a perfect example of Property Change's efforts to assist and encourage infill development in the most appropriate locations. 


43 Collins Street, Heidelberg Heights

This is a proposed development of two townhouses. The site is on a corner of a major road and adjacent to a secluded park. From the site there are potential views to the south-west of Port Phillip Bay. We are anticipating a permit in May 2018.


Malvern Road, Stonnington

Last year, we started looking at this site with Pillar and Post Architects. The property had an existing permit that was not able to be built due to construction costs. It is a common scenario that build ability is often at hands length with Council policy. This led to Pillar and Post submitting a new planning application that is much more affordable to construct.  You can see this proposal in the render below. 


184 Miller St, Fitzroy

Property Change was approached by a client to assist in objecting to a proposal for the part demolition, and construction of a ground and first floor extension to the dwelling at 184 Miller Street, Fitzroy North. Our clients objection was on the grounds of overshadowing and an unreasonable detriment to the amenity at their own property neighbouring the subject site.

Whilst Property Change advocate for residential infill and or consolidation of property, it is vital that a proposal is designed in such a way that adds to the character of the surrounding area and does not negatively impact on the liveability of dwellings that surround that particular development.

Property Change worked closely with Nick Tweedie from Owen Dixon Chambers to settle a planning outcome that both the client and the owner of the subject site at 184 Miller Street were satisfied with, avoiding the need for a hearing at VCAT.


139 George St, Fitzroy

Fitzroy is yet another one of Property Changes inner city residential developments. This outstanding renovation included a redesign of the entire first floor, including the addition of a first storey terrace and terrace pergola.

This project was performed under a Heritage Overlay that sought to protect the street facing façade. The proposed partial demolition of the existing dwelling for the construction of first floor accessible roof top terrace was consistent with the purpose and decision guidelines of the Heritage Overlay. Most notably City of Yarra Incorporated Heritage Plan outlined ‘Construction or extension of a deck, which can be attached to an existing building, is permit exempt where (applies to residential buildings/uses only): Contributory, The deck is to the rear of an existing building’.


2 Union Street, Brunswick

Our sixth townhouse joint venture launched in July 2016 with the purchase of 2 Union Street Brunswick, only 50 metres from Sydney Road with Jewel train station a little over 150m away.

Our 6 partner collective purchased the 365 m2 property at auction for $1.8m and our strategy is to build 6 dwellings on the site, five four level 3-bedroom townhouses on the property and a three level residence with ground floor office on Union Street. The five rear townhouses will all be on compact circa 50 sqm lots over four levels with 3 beds, 2 baths and 1 car park.

The site has laneway right of ways along the eastern and northern boundary, which will make for great access and light, but also give the site a bit of a gritty Dickensian context, with views to the rear of the old red brick Victorian shops along Sydney Road and the tops of the Brunswick Uniting Church spires further up Sydney Road. The property came with plans and permits for 10 small apartments and ground floor retail. We have re-designed the scheme within the approved building envelope and are looking to obtain our permit in early 2018 and start construction in late 2018.


Pascoe Vale Townhouses

Working with NICreative. This project involves the subdivision of a property and the construction of a two-storey dwelling behind an existing dwelling on Sussex Street in Pascoe Vale.

Through expert design, the private open space to the rear of the existing dwelling is being maximised to provide an excellent two-storey townhouse in a great location that backs onto a park.

Property Change is assisting in providing feedback and advice on the design based on the requirements of the Moreland planning scheme in addition to having pre-application meeting discussions with Moreland Council.


22 Justin Avenue, Glenroy

Recently one of our most accomplished projects is in Glenroy. Working with Excelon Projects and Atlas architects. This property is in the Moreland City Council within a General Residential Zone.

The project sought to construct 4 two-story townhouses on the 700sqm block. This ambitious development was negotiated through careful consideration of the Moreland City Council Planning Scheme, most specifically the Municipal Strategic Statement outlining that the property is in an area of incremental change. The policy basis identifies that incremental change will be supported in General Residential Zones, and that new development should be designed to contribute to an improved landscape character.

With a focus on communal garden space, minimizing overshadowing and encouraging a vibrant street interface, Property Change was able to achieve a permit in under 4 months.


Queens Parade – 4 Townhouses

This four townhouse project on a 266 square metre lot is located off a series of laneways behind Queens Parade in Fitzroy North.

Three intersecting lane ways provide access to the north-south oriented site. The design takes advantage of this access by providing on grade car parking and between 110-120 square metres of Gross Floor Area over 3-storeys with a roof top terrace.

The roof decks will take advantage of the sweeping views of the city to the south.  

Located in a Heritage Zone between a commercial strip of shops and a Neighbourhood Residential Zoned residential area, a robust industrial palette of materials was chosen to respond to the character of the area.  The use of these materials in different planes is designed to break up the building mass given the surrounding prevailing two to three storey context.

The initial permit application was to construct 4 storey dwellings on a lot. Although Council’s officer recommended the approval of a permit, Council itself resolved to refuse the proposal restricted the height to 3 storeys. The Neighbours choose to take the matter as a third party to VCAT on grounds relating to neighbourhood character, density and site context.

The developer, architects, and traffic engineers provided detailed design advice, which resulted in an amended set of plans that strengthened the proposal. The amended plans, coupled with our expert evidence statement for the Tribunal, resulted in a permit being granted.

Concept Renders

Project Completion




363-367 High St, ASHBURTON, Victoria


Addition of 1 Dwelling – 43 Collins Street

"I don't think the council would grant a permit for a dwelling at the rear"

Clause 55.05-5 Solar access to open space objective - you will generally need to be setback 4.6-4.7 meters from the back fence.

The extension to the rear of the existing dwelling will further decrease the space available at the rear.

In my opinion, an application to place a dwelling at the rear will end up in a very lengthy planning process with much scrutiny.

Property Change got it done.


North Melbourne

This is a 425m2 site with a proposal to build eight four level 3-bedroom townhouses on the property.

The site has great access to three streets which means we have pursued a scheme with on grade car parking and the 14m height limit means the townhouses will all be on 50 sqm lots over four levels with 3 beds, 2 baths, 1 car park and a roof deck.

To maximise the amenity of the site we have decreased the site coverage of the current warehouse to allow us to incorporate rear courtyards into all the units. We did this to ensure that all four floors have good access to light. We will also soften these areas through the use of planter boxes and plantings. External spiral staircases to access the roof decks made of perforated metal were also chosen to allow as much light in as possible.


ST Kilda

Seven townhouses on a 655m2 in St Kilda.

We worked with our client Property Collectives and Pillar and Post on a strategy to purchase the site and maximise the development potential.

The site already had an existing planning permit on the site for 16 apartments and 80% site coverage. So proposing only 7 townhouses meant that an approval could be issued quickly as there would be little for neighbours to object to given the reduction in dwelling numbers.

It was our suggestion to do a consolidated carpark in the centre of the site with two dwellings sitting on top of the carpark. This allowed for better functionality of the site.

Click here to download a copy of the submitting town planning drawings.



Council advised that two dwellings was the maximum that they would support however we were able to get three townhouses by demonstrating that the site specific proposal complies with all relevant Council Planning Policy.

We worked with the architects (RS architects: https://www.rsarchitecture.com.au/7th-project)  and other specialists to resolve all aspects of the design.

Our planners attended pre-application meetings with the Council to seek their views on the proposal.

Following this, a comprehensive planning permit application was prepared and submitted to the Council.

We worked closely with Council planners to resolve a number of matters raised during the application process. Ultimately, the Council resolved to support the proposal for three dwellings rather than two.



We were engaged to prepare a planning application for a medium density residential development at 6 & 8 Grange Road, Alphington

The site was strategically suitable for medium density development, by virtue of its main road location. It is also close to an Activity Centre.

The contemporary design includes a mix of materials and cantilevered elements, creating a highly articulated form. Landscaping was provided along the side and rear boundaries and canopy trees were included in the front and rear setbacks.

The development comprises eight 2-storey townhouses on 1000 square metres. This efficient yield was made possible by the use of a basement car park and a common walkway above that provided dedicated access to residents and their visitors. All townhouses employ a reverse living layout in order to achieve this efficient layout. (Reverse living is a way of designing a home with the kitchen, living, and dining areas and roof top terrace upstairs, and the bedrooms downstairs. Essentially, the ground floor of a traditional home design is swapped with the upstairs so the layout is reversed.)

The application was successfully approved at Council and a planning permit has been granted.



Six unit site in Thornbury approved by Darebin City Council.


Glen Iris


West Melbourne

Measuring 409m2 the site is a north-east facing warehouse with laneway access to the south and east and is around 100m from North Melbourne station.

Our plan is to develop 8 x four-storey townhouses of around 115 sqm of living space onto of a basement carpark.

The design features two floors of bedrooms and two floors of living with a separate kitchen/dining and living floors on the 3rd and 4th level.

The irregularly shaped lot has presented the biggest design challenge, although it has also enabled a unique design response.