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Town Planning Steps & Property Development Process

Pre-purchase highest and best use due diligence, our integrated knowledge allows us to quickly and accurately perform development assessments. The critical design, town planning, building and economic information you need to confidently make an investment decision. In this most critical phase, we take the time to develop a design response. We evolve the Concept Plans into a set of Town Planning Drawings and Town Planning Permit application.

Step 1

Preliminary Highest and Best Use Analysis

We are a professional town planning firm. We have an extensive process of resourcing as much information as possible on a development site upfront, collating vital information such as property reports and land titles from resources such as Land Channel.

Property Change provides you with extensive due diligence and cost feasibility analysis. We consult with Local Government, town planners, real estate agents and service authorities just to name a few, to iron out as many issues as possible at the beginning of each project which will save you time, money and energy. This multi-faceted support can come at the beginning of the project, by reviewing potential sites and providing recommendations on those suitable for the proposal, through to providing assistance with marketing and sale of properties.

Our planning investigation includes:

  • an overview of the town planning controls, opportunities and constraints
  • a preliminary recommendation on the development potential for the property
  • a preliminary feasibility 

Step 2

Concept Plans

We develop Concept Plans for your project based on your brief and develop a design response. In this most critical phase we take the time to leverage the integrated design, planning and building knowledge across the team to deliver a quality design response that we can deliver for your budget.

Step 3

Detailed Highest and Best Use Analysis

This includes:

  • A study of the highest and best use for your site..
  • Private town planner engagement with Council regarding the proposed scheme.
  • All important documentation including Title, Copy of Plan and Council Schedules/Neighbourhood Character docs where appropriate.
  • A recommendation on the strategy for your project.

Step 4

Town Planning Approval

We evolve the Concept Plans into a set of Town Planning Drawings and Town Planning Permit application. We integrate private town planning representation in this phase to manage the lodgement of your application and negotiate with Council, objectors and will provide representation at VCAT if required.

If you are a permit applicant or land owner who has had a planning application refused by Council or a planning permit issued with conditions you believe are onerous, we can lodge an application for review with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to have Council’s decision set aside or varied. We will lodge all the necessary paperwork with the tribunal, prepare the planning submission and act as the representative at the hearing.

Further, We can represent objectors to planning applications at VCAT. Refer to the following section on ‘Objection to Planning Applications’.

To review decisions, simply search for VCAT on the internet, and then go to ‘Planning and Environment List’; ‘Decisions’; http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VCAT/.